Another Victory Over Ye Olde Mighty Slushpile

Three of my poems have been accepted for publication in the Spring 2012 issue of The Southern Review. I am over-the-moon-giddy-happy-happy happy.

My husband thought I'd set the house on fire from the way I came running down the stairs to tell him the news.

So please excuse this little bit of celebratory nonsense -- I don't mean to brag. I realize that this is my second acceptance since I began this blog, but this year ended an eleven-year dry spell where publication was concerned . . . so, you know, I'm kinda excited.

And, just by way of a disclaimer, I've also received ten rejections since I began writing this blog (in July). I accrued many many many many many rejections in that aforementioned dry spell, and I have a slew of submissions out there that will probably be returned with similar, small, impersonal rejection slips.

I guess that's my way of asking that you not hate me for indulging in a little interweb gloat.



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