No Sleep, but Good News and Lots of Writing

This week has been a busy one. 

First, I've been traveling with the kiddies, and we discovered that the newbie gets car sick. (Yay!) 

Second, I had two different writing deadlines. The first was for a guest blog post over at Carly Pizzani's Fine Fit Day, which went live today. I haven't done this kind of expository writing in a long time, and it was fun to flex those muscles again. Of course, I had to rely on a ton of help from my mom, who walked the baby and distracted the older kiddies while I typed away to meet the Wednesday deadline.

Third, I had to write a final, last report for that Leadership Academy I participated in last August. The rules were: write a final report, earn a Certificate of Completion. Miss the deadline for the final report, earn a Certificate of Participation. I decided I'd be damned if I was going to earn some lame Certificate of Participation after sacrificing two weeks (one last August, and one this upcoming August) to the Leadership Academy. I chose to get the lame Certificate of Completion instead! So I wrote that piece, and now I'm tired.

Of course, I'm probably tired because the baby, in addition to being car sick at the beginning of the week, has been teething . . . and engaging in all of the gloriously cranky behavior that accompanies teething. It's fabulous! I'm operating on an average of 4.5 hours of sleep per night! I'm absolutely fucking delirious right now!

(She's taking a very rare nap at the moment. I'd be napping, too, but I just drank 1 and 1/2 cups of coffee, so sleep isn't happening any time soon.)

Also, I had super good writing news earlier this week. (Good news always helps make some of the sleeplessness more bearable). In the fall, Verse Wisconsin will be publishing two of my poems in their "Parents and Children" themed online issue. One of the poems is from the Norse-mythology inspired section of my manuscript, too. It's lovely and affirming to have one of these poems accepted for publication.

Now I should go so I can do one of those things you're supposed to do while the baby naps . . . like shower. 


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